Tuesday, October 30, 2012


We havent been to Questacon for a while so this morning decided to go back again, this time Kate and James joined us. Its really nice to see the cousins playing together.

James gets so excited when he sees our boys, "Sammy, Lukey, Ricey!" he says often and runs around grinning. 

Sammy played the role of shop keeper to perfection, even stocking the shelves after service had finished!


Its a tough tiring world, sometimes you just need a little nap in the car.

Sunday, October 28, 2012


I obviously think all my boys are amazing and wonderful, but there is something about Sams determination to do things himself that is sometimes a little scary and mostly very impressive. For someone that has only really been riding without training wheels for 2 or 3 months, he is doing really well. Here he is on the BMX track with William on the chase, who also has taken to riding his bike more and more.

Single track sunrise

I got out early this morning before the sun was up for a ride up to the top of Stromlo to be greeted with a crisp spring morning sunrise. 

Afterwards I did a bit of exploring, trying out new trails that I would usually ride past. Some lovely, some not so much, but really nice to get some more variety. I was the first one in the carpark at around 5.30am and when I got back it was full! Unfortunately my back is playing up again and it put a dampener on what would usually be a blissful Sunday morning on the trails of Stromlo Forest Park.

The beautiful colours you get at sun up and sun down, lovely.

This trail is called Magpie Rock and it has a very technically steep rocky climb and descent. Rocks! Horrible rocks! I dont know whether I was more happy about reaching the top here, or being able to set up a makeshift tripod with my phone camera on a timer. 

I wanna see the video of me dad!

Every photo or video I take of the boys one of them will always ask me if they can see, straight away, before I have barely taken my finger off the screen. Can I see Daddy??

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Cool dude

Lucas's sunny's have come out recently as its been lovely and warm over the last few days. He is such a cool dude! I write that as the little bugger is refusing to sleep again today, grrrrrr.

Shootin hoops

I took Sam and Lucas down to Belconnen this morning to go and shoot some hoops at the Belco Stadium. Its probably been almost a year since I last touched a basketball so I was a little bit rusty but it slowly started to come back to me, until I aggravated my back again and had to call it quits. Im so old!

A not so familiar sight any more

1 year on

It was a year ago today that I started  'A serve of rice'! Amazing that its been a whole year. I have done my best to update it a few times a week and have used it as not only a family timeline, but a sort of online personal diary.

I have really enjoyed my 365 days of blogging so far and will definately keep it going. What a great way of keeping up and remembering not only the big family events but also the little things that happen day to day that you wouldnt be able to recollect otherwise. Like the happenings of the 4 boys as they grow up and pass through all the numerous stages of their young lives.

Its not a hard thing writing about the things you love to do and the people you love most. Heres to another 365!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Bike rack

I built my own bike rack this week as a bit of a project. I got inspiration from the Scott 24 hour race, where all the tents and marquees on pit lane had rows and rows of bikes lined up on these sorts of racks. Easy storage, easy access all hanging by their saddles on a simple bar set up.

It didnt turn out quite as I had imagined, as I wanted more of a collapsable and portable style, but I struggled with the stability of it. Im still happy with the end result none the less and the boys even helped me paint it.

Moonlit Camber

Last night I went for a ride on a beautiful evening and just as I put the bike on the roof, I looked up to see the moon right above it. Another random photo of my bike posing!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Kambah park

We got out to the Adventure park in Kambah this morning where they have big slides, flying foxes, climbing nets and swings. A nice morning out with the crew.

Sunday morning dress ups

William vs Stromlo

William has been dying to get out and ride Stromlo for a few weeks now and with the Scott taking up last weekend I promised him I would take him out and ride some of the more advanced sections this weekend. We did about 2/3 of the Blue lap from the race last weekend, cutting out all the real technical stuff and giving him an opportunity to see what its like. 

He is very confident (a little too much sometimes) in his own ability on a bike so I think after that ride he has seen it can be quite hard and  its not all downhills and jumps! He does really well for an 8 year old and you cant fault his eagerness to get out there and give it a go. 


We went to playgroup for the first time in ages on Friday with James and Kate. The boys loved it.

Cheeky Nutella face

The comfort of cycling

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


I have agreed to play Gunners again next season with the understanding the commitment level will be less than in the past, something I have had to get my head around and have done so in that year off. If I want to play I have to take it for what it is and not put too much pressure on myself to do too much, otherwise it turns into a chore.

Jem is happy for me to play and I look forward to the boys seeing daddy play again as it has been such a big part of my life. A part they havent had much to do with, especially Sam and Lucas.

The season starts in March. I think I will need all that time to feel comfortable on a court again, as I havent touched a basketball in over a year!

I may be generally bike fit, but that is completely different to Basketball fit.....time to dust off the bball shoes.

Skyline perfection

In the shadows of the Scott 24 last weekend I still have a buzz from it and although at around 2am Sunday morning I wanted to throw in the towel, I would do it all again in a heartbeat. You just had the feeling that the who's who of mountain bikers in Australia were there and it was the place to be.

Skyline is one of the most exhilarating sections of downhill at Stromlo and no matter how many times you ride it, it will always bring a smile to your face (even in the middle of the night!).

Matt Page here shows how its done like a pro, try and keep up.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Wheres Will?

 Wheres Will?

Over there?

There he is!


Watching the kids trying stuff, learning something new and being a part of that is one of the best things about being a parent.

Sam has basically taught himself how to ride and does amazingly well on the BMX track with his little pedal bike. Go Sam!


Our bikes got hammered over the weekend and the result of that was much fun and most of today dedicated to cleaning a part of Stromlo off Jems and mine. 



 The appreciation of a nice smooth, clean drivetrain 

The Scott 24 hour MTB Race 2012

Team Raceline10 had its first appearance this weekend in the Scott 24 hour. We finished with 18 laps by midday on Sunday and we were all pretty much spent.

While we all lined up for a 'Le Mans' style start to the race (running to our bikes), we had no idea where we were supposed to stand and when we were supposed to start as there seemed to be no race marshals to look to for guidance. Maybe 50 or so of us all looking at each other wondering what we were meant to do, when 12 noon rolled past someone seemed to just break free in a sprint out of the blue and the rest of us, just like sheep in a herd, ran after him. The race had begun.

Rich and I ended up doing 6 laps each while the girls were very impressive doing 3 each, Jem even coming out to experience what night riding was all about. After the first few laps some of the track had turned to a quagmire of sloppy mud from all the rain we have had over the past few days. During the Saturday afternoon and night, it eventually became unridable in some areas. By 2 or 3 in the morning when I was struggling through my last couple of laps I had hit rock bottom, feeling like I wanted to burst into tears and wondering what the hell I was doing. The mud at times was so bad it was up to your chain, which was making my bike make some very horrible crunching noises like you were pedalling it into an early grave. It stopped my front and back deraileurs from moving  leaving me with 3 gears at one point, making for a nasty climb.

It was an amazing experience being on the bike for that long in what turned out to be very tricky conditions and racing alongside some of the best 24 hour riders in the world.

My memories -

Seeking out and finding my physical limit in a very long day of riding and some trying conditions on a bike. Seeing Jason English repeatedly turn back for yet another lap amassing an incomprehensible 31, by himself (more than 400kms over 24 hours!), was something I will never forget. The set up along 'pit lane' with all the marquees, tents and shops was a great atmosphere. The vibe from all the riders was that of enthusiasm and excitement and everyone on the track that I passed or passed me, were all so nice. Standing in Simons marquee trying to warm up in front of the heater late Saturday night with steam coming off every part of me. The sight of Stromlo lit up with lines and lines of insane riders snaking their way up and down the hill at midnight was stunning. Sitting in a tent wrapped up with 2 jackets, gloves, a beanie and cold, horribly wet and muddy riding gear next to Rich who was falling asleep in his chair, while Jem was out in the rain at night. Riding around a corner on the Blue lap to be stopped by 5 riders stuck shin deep in mud pulling their bikes free to continue the lap. Falling asleep in the tent at around 3.30am with freezing feet that when I tried to warm them, most of my lower half went into cramp! But the best memory was riding down 'pit lane' from just completing an awesome lap on some of the best trails (all be it trashed) in Australia in the biggest 24 hour race in the world, to high five your team mate as they went out. That was the one memory I will take away and cherish.

Yesterday I didnt want to ever see another single track again. Today I cleaned my bike and rested my aches. Tomorrow the trails will be calling.

 The camp site

 One part of pit lane

 Getting briefed ready for my first lap

 The confusion at the le Mans start

 The kids waiting for mummy/auntie Jem to arrive

 Here she comes!

Why are we doing this again?

Em out on the teams final lap

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


BMX, Dirt jumper, MTB, Downhill, Single speed, Commuter, Road and Cyclocross. Just when you thought you needed a different style of bike to cover each facet of riding. Martyn Ashton, on a Tour de France winning Pinarello here shows you otherwise. Wow!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Going the distance

When going for a Mountain bike ride you will usually do a said loop, for however long, you generally always come back to the place you started after 2 or 3 hours riding.

Going on an epic bike journey for days on end carrying all that you need, is something I am really keen on exploring in the future. Riding of into the distance with the sun on your back. Your goal being to complete the journey for however long it may be.

Rich and I have made some plans to hopefully do a day version of this. The Canberra to Coast ride is something I heard about early in the year and instantly fell in love with the idea. Riding off into unknown territory for an entire day on our bikes, whats not to like?

Pick a colour

Red or Blue? Or both? Thats the options we will have as riders in the Scott 24hour MTB race next weekend. 

The red lap, includes some of the lower trail section near the carpark, then up the sustained switchback climbs to the top followed by the ripping downhill run back to transition. The Blue lap is a bit more up and down and a lot more technical taking you way out the back of Stromlo Forest park through some tight, in parts extremely rocky sections and back around to a nice downhill run before weaving your way back to transition.

Today I got out for possibly my last ride before next weekend, so I made the most of it and did both laps back to back, about 28km all together, to see what it will be like come Saturday morning. My verdict, lovely, cant wait. I didnt get too tired and managed basically the full 2 laps (not including the 2 or 3 km lower section). 

Last ride before the Scott?? That seems like a long time away! I could probably fit another one in somewhere!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Lights out

I have gone for 3 awesome night rides in a row this week at Stromlo trying to prepare myself for the 24 hour grind next weekend. I am obviously not the only one with that idea as there has been a massive boost of riders out there over the last few days lighting up the Stromlo night sky with powerful beams of light. Gives you some insight into what it will be like on the Saturday night out there, what a spectacle it will be!

I bought some amazingly cheap lights off Ebay a while back and have had no problems with them, actually wondering why people would buy different very expensive ones from the shops. That was up until last night, when they both decided they have had enough and now dont work. I now understand.

A week before the Scott, the biggest night race of the year. Hmmmm, I need to go shopping.

Maybe the last night ride before the race last night, as usual it felt like an awesome video game


There are singers and then there are singers that can really sing live. The likes of Adele, Jack Johnson, David Gray, Missy Higgins, Stan Walker and Xavier Rudd all have amazing live voices.

I came across this video on YouTube the other week of Beyonce singing 'Halo' live with no microphone in front of an audience of hospital staff and patients. She is just incredible and has the most amazing range in her voice that for me is second to none.

BMX antics

More BMX antics at the local track. The boys love it down there, especially William who tries to do all the tricks and copy the older boys doing their high flying jumps. Poor little Jacob missed out, though he did get to play the Ipod which he thought was pretty cool. Sam has come on leaps and bounds with his riding and is quite amazing how quickly he picks things up and how determined (sometimes very angrily!) he is. Lucas is quite happy just bumbling around finding sticks to use as swords!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Sime picked me up for an impromptu ride at Stromlo this evening. Beautiful day today, not too hot and little wind made for the perfect weather for a ride at dusk. So I quickly put on the riding gear and off we went.

I still get pleasantly surprised that when I have a full on day and feel exhausted, getting out for a ride some how releases all that tension and I always come back feeling fresh and full of energy.

Definitely helps when you have a lovely wife who can come home from a long day at work to take over with the kids at the drop of a hat and allow me to scoot out the door. Love you Jem.
Sime catching his breath after the climb, preparing for 'dessert'
 There is something sweet about being up here. Its like the world stands still and all that's happening is you. Lining up for another downhill burst as the sun disappears, bliss.

Early mornings

We seem to be getting up earlier and earlier just recently. On most mornings we get woken up by a little 2 year old plodder coming in pre 6am. The other morning all the boys seemed to be awake just before 5!! Thats not morning!!

Although its hard to be cross when you get greeted with this little face - 

Canberra Space Centre

I took the boys to the Canberra Deep Space Discovery Centre this morning. There are huge satellite dishes and a small museum of things from the moon landing and other space travel.

We stopped off at the Tidbinbilla park and walkways on the way back