Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Friday, December 26, 2014

Christmas day 2014

 Calm before the storm....

 The eye of the storm (Isaac got lost in the destruction)....

 The aftermath.

 Christmas lunch

Then something happened. I'm not quite sure what it was, but it may have been the fizzy drink.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas eve 2014

Soda bottle flowers

The boys made some recycled soda bottle flowers yesterday to put in our edible garden. They turned out great!

Tractor beam

Isaac has a spectacular way of getting eye contact with you, grinning and making you feel like he is 'tractor beaming' you in and not letting go! He is stunning!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Photos from the saddle

Sunday evening Centenary trail (its been far too long since my last visit!)

'Sleep' of music

The boys watched the classic movie 'The Sound of Music' the other day. For some it was a good movie, for one particular boy.....not so much.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Pre School graduate garden party

 Lucas is towards the left, front row

 Song singing instructed by Mrs Leeke

 Receiving his portfolio and graduation certificate

 Proud little man

Garden party food 

Monday, December 8, 2014

Stick boats

The boys got the idea to build some home made boats from a kids activities book on the weekend. They were all into it!

Prototype 1 - Too papery, unsuccessful.

Prototype 2 - Lots of bound sticks, complete with plastic sails. Successful!, especially Sams who made it all the way across the dam much to everyone's excitement.

Photos from the saddle

The local dam run

Sheep biccies

Our new baaaaing residents love their sheep feed we give them every so often. So much so that as soon as they spot us they start baaaaing demanding us to give them more. 

Isaac update

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Sammy talk

Sam - "Mum, whats that sack thing that holds your balls called?"

Jem - "Do you mean your scrotum Sam?. Yes it holds your testicles"

Sam - "Yeh, its very beautiful because it feels so lovely and squishy"

Jem - (With a snort and disguised laughter she then swiftly walked out of the room to vent her giggles in the kitchen while I was left to find some sort of composure and read a bed time story)

Just another regular everyday conversation with our tactile 6 year old!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Our new residents

Tonight we bought some of our neighbours sheep, then transferred them into our new sheep paddock. We have 3 lambs and 3 Ewes and they seem to have settled in just fine already, albeit a little tricky to wrangle them into the trailer to get them here. As I write this I can hear them BAAAing away outside, lovely!