Sunday, November 23, 2014

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Sammy talk

Sam - "Mum, whats that sack thing that holds your balls called?"

Jem - "Do you mean your scrotum Sam?. Yes it holds your testicles"

Sam - "Yeh, its very beautiful because it feels so lovely and squishy"

Jem - (With a snort and disguised laughter she then swiftly walked out of the room to vent her giggles in the kitchen while I was left to find some sort of composure and read a bed time story)

Just another regular everyday conversation with our tactile 6 year old!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Our new residents

Tonight we bought some of our neighbours sheep, then transferred them into our new sheep paddock. We have 3 lambs and 3 Ewes and they seem to have settled in just fine already, albeit a little tricky to wrangle them into the trailer to get them here. As I write this I can hear them BAAAing away outside, lovely!