Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Well after a week of trying to get Lucas to continue his naps a while ago, (as he still really needs them) I gave up and resigned to the fact that he is done with napping. Those 2 hours every day of solitude are now extinct!! Oh no.

Its been a few weeks now and he seems to be coping ok, but often falls asleep in the car on the way to get the boys from school, which is only 5 minutes down the road. Not only is the little darling not napping, he has decided that 5am is a suitable wake up time for everyone. This morning it was actually 4.45!! 

I can deal with 6am, 5am is pushing it, but 4?? thats still night time! Lucas you are officially broken!

Lucas talk - His new word of the month is "Stupid!".  If the boys do something he doesnt like, then they are just stupid! His brothers are shocked when he says it, but I'm not sure why as they were more than likely to blame for him coming out with it!

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