Saturday, May 5, 2012


What are your limits? Your hardest? Your best? Its tough to know that until you have pushed yourself and found out.

I have reached my limit of physical capability on many occasions with Basketball over the years, whether it was my choice or the coaches, you really learn something about yourself in times like that. Not a pleasant experience during it by any stretch of the imagination, but afterwards its such a satisfying feeling to know that you pushed yourself beyond what you thought was possible and accomplished something. You may of course be doing this while you have your head in a bucket!

In a team environment it can sometimes be a little easier, as you are encouraged to keep going from all angles and you feel an obligation to the team to give it your all. When you are by yourself and the only person who will know whether you did your absolute best or not is you, it is more of a battle in your head than with your physical exhaustion.

Im finding that a brilliant challenge with Mountain Biking. Packing it in when you know there was no excuse why you couldnt have gone further, longer and harder leaves a bitter taste in your mouth. But going that extra distance, pushing it up yet another hill when all that your body is telling you is to 'get of that dam saddle'. That is such a blissfull feeling and sometimes worthy of a wooohoooo! at the top, whilst also trying to suck in the oxygen and spit out the saliva all at the same time.

On any given 'test' its up to you, what you put in is what you get out. If Im not happy to be going up, then I cant smile on the way down.

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