Sunday, July 22, 2012

Majura no more?

We took our boys down to Majura Pines for a ride around the single tracks today and met up with Simon and his boys. They all went off for spin with Jem and Simon while Lucas and I had a plod around in the forest. The boys had a great time, even Sammy kept up with everyone on his Kazam! A great way for the boys to have a blast, stay active and not have to give anyone your money to do so.

One of the great constants of riding is that you always know the trail, track or road will be there, it rarely changes. You get on your bike, work out how long you want to ride for and assuming there are no issues on the way, you will be back within the same time every time. Your riding experience may change but its never bad! 

Saying that though, Unfortunately it may be Majura no more, as they are due to log the Pine trees this week. Will there be any more trails left? Not sure, but I hope its not the last we see of the famous single track network all together.

Lucas trudging up the fire trail amongst the plentiful Pines. Its going to look a little bit different to this when they are done.

Is that a garden gnome in the forest?

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