Thursday, November 28, 2013


As of today, we are the official owners of an amazing 4.85 acres in the established estate of Merriville Park, Murrumbateman NSW. Jem and I have wanted land like this for many years and we are stoked that its finally happening and we can give us and our boys the life we have dreamt of!

Cant wait to be living there!!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Photos from the saddle

The Centenary trail is my new favourite place to far!

A few reasons why -

 The northern border campsite, complete with tables, chairs, toilets, water, shelter and bikeracks! 

 The signage in itself must have cost a small fortune! Its impossible to get lost.

 What was once a paddock, is now a single track to paradise

 My new Skyline

Centenary trail at sunset

Planting pines

We went out to Murrumbateman and planted some pines today as we thought a block looked a little bare. I envy whoever owns it!!! hehehe.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Picnic in the pines

A family picnic lunch in the Arboretum pine forest

Photos from the saddle/Epic new trail

If the northerly most 20 km section of the 'Centenary Trail' is anything to go by, then the whole loop will be better than epic! Sweet new flowing single track, brutal climbs, a camp site (only accessible by bike, foot or horse back) and easy to follow signs make it a smilingly good time.

 The signage is surprisingly easy to follow

 The natural bridge

Views galore and the start of the downhill which is like Stromlo's Skyline but twice as long!

Thanks ACT govt, money well spent I say!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

I did it!

Sam conquered a hill at Stromlo today on his new mountain bike, one that he hasn't been able to do before and he was extremely happy with himself for riding up without hopping off to push!

'Go Sammy, keep pedalling! push push! Almost there! Go Go!'
'I did it Dad!!' 'Awesome Sammy, well done!!'

Monday, November 11, 2013

Pool sparkle

Little Lukey has now started to enjoy his lessons every monday, its lovely to see!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Photos from the saddle

Its been a while since I've ridden out at Mulligans Flat reserve. Riding on the main road amongst the busy suburbs, you then pass through a gate and cruise along a fire trail for a couple of k's upon which time you feel like your in the middle of nowhere!

Riding literally on the ACT/NSW border, there is a great feeling of isolation out in Mulligans (apart from gazillions of kangaroos). Not a greatly technical ride its definitely a good opportunity to zone-out and ponder things whilst the pedals turn over.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Anstey report

A lesson learned and a good message for us all to take on board plus hopefully pass onto our own kids -

I don't share many personal conversations with Ilsa (my fiancée), but wanted to share one we had early last season.
As a new head coach, I jumped head first into doing my best to be available to anyone in and around the club, no matter how big or small. I needed to become a better coach quickly, so lots of time went to, and still goes to that.
So as we argued about rarely being home one night when I walked in the door just before midnight, she said one thing that stopped me, and has stuck with me since. She said "you're spending so much time trying to keep everyone happy, you're not able to spend enough time with the people who you really need to be happy".
She was right. Any leadership role demands a lot. Coaching demands a lot. But I will be a father, husband and friend to a small group of people much longer than I'm a coach of any one team.
It's the whole 'putting the large rocks into the vase first and knowing there will always be room for the smaller rocks and the sand' cliche.
So I became better at prioritising. Family always comes first. I've become better at saying no - not because I don't want to, but because it is the right thing to do. I became a better father and partner. I think in doing so I'm also becoming a better coach.
My focus narrowed further to those really close to me - family, friends and team.
Our Tigers team is like an extended family with similar dynamics - we all like each other, we all want each other to do well, and to an extent we are all selfish in our preparation (which is good) but we have arguments, issues and situations that mean that everyone's not always happy.  That doesn't mean I dislike them, or think less of them, it means we need to spend more time working towards the best solution.
I see the same in kids today. So many kids get so caught up in trying to impress the wrong people that they miss out on spending time with the right people. Kids try to change who they are to fit in with a group they consider cool at that time.
Just like Steve and Dirk (who I wrote about last week) who dared to be different on a basketball court, difference in people is an amazing thing that should be embraced, not hidden to fit in.
I don't always agree with people, but I try my best to respect their opinions. I certainly respect uniqueness and difference in people, whether I like it or not.
Many of my best friends were people I respected for what they did, and I found myself gravitating towards them. Some of them say the same about me. But it was always respect that came before friendship, not vice versa.
It's hard to earn respect from people when you pretend to be somebody that you're not, and friendships born out of a charade are usually fleeting. It's the people you share a mutual respect, and the real you with, whether in sport, business or school, that will become lasting friends.
As one of the smartest people I know once said to me "I'd rather people dislike me for who I am than like me for who I'm not."
I couldn't agree more.

Photos from the saddle

I took an evening ride last night and did a few of the tough climbs around the lake, all of which have a pretty decent percentage when it comes to vertical metres climbing. I get to the top of these hills, which are around 2 - 3 kms in length and averaging about 8 - 9%, pretty much knackered. I often wonder what it takes to be a pro rider in a grand tour doing climbs 5 times these in length after riding 150kms already and then backing up the next day and doing it all again! Absolutely incredible.

Beautiful ride last night, with the sunset on Mt Ainslie just stunning, 60kms, almost 1000metres climbed, legs happily exhausted, off to bed. Back up today? hmmmmm.....

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Wee Jasper

Yesterday we took a lovely trip about an hour and a half away to a place called Wee Jasper to camp over night. A lovely day, beautiful spot on the river and great way to escape the 'every day'.

 The campsite

 The river

 So many rocks to throw!

 Jem so proud of their rock throwing skills!

A chilly brekky in their sleeping bags

Junior Bball

William and Jacob have started playing junior basketball in the Canberra summer comp. Jacob in the under 10's and William in the under 12's 'Norths' teams. They have never played team basketball before and have already improved heaps in the few weeks that its been going.