Sunday, July 31, 2016

Soggy acres

Apparently there hasnt been rain like we have experienced in recent weeks for decades. Hence it is a very wet and boggy Murrumbateman at the moment. Here is our block after a couple of days of sun, still covered in puddles.

Apples apples and more apples!

We cant seem to have enough apples in the house to cater for our fibre full five! They all love them and have multiple each day. If an apple a day keeps the doctor away, all the doctors must be far far away from our house!

Dam mirror!

Family walk

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Sams 8th birthday

He wanted snow for his birthday and his wish came true! Didnt settle but was coming down quite heavy at one point, very cool!

It settled on Mt Ainslie!

 Cake o'clock!

 Off to the movies to see The B.F.G!

Happy birthday bucket head!

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Local snow!

Today we took just over an hour drive to Corin Forest for some fairly local snow play, Isaacs first!

Lucas potty mouth

Walking down the hallway the other day I hear from the lounge room Lucas exclaim "Ahh fuckit!" I raced back ready to explode on him and on the TV was an ad for travel to Phuket and a very stern Jacob saying "Lucas!, its not pronounced like that". I walked back the other way holding back laughter.

Selfie love

Sun setting on a very full dam


Isaac has shown interest in the toilet as of late, so I bought him a little step to stand on for wee's. He only really uses it as a podium to humour me and then does a wee in his preferred place - the bath!