Monday, November 23, 2015

Is it to your 'Pallet'?

When we first moved to Murrumbateman I started messing around with pallets, building steps, mtb track features, chairs and compost heaps because its free wood and pallets are so multi functional. They can be incorporated as is or broken up to make something original.

Here are some of the things I have made with pallet timber and generally pallet nails - up cycling at its best here in pallet land!

Sheep shelter

Sheep shelter

 Meat chickens chick box

 Wall bike rack timber brackets

Compost heaps
 Water pump house

 Dog kennel

 Playground sand border

Chicken run door frame

 Isolation chicken coop

 Chicken coop chair

 Small bench/table

 Sectioned off chicken run door

 Vege garden chair

 Deck table

 BBQ bar/servery 

 Meat chicks eventual coop

To your 'pallet'?

Kitchen bench

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

The Lanes and a warehouse full of trampolines!!

 Jacob soaring

 Josie gliding 

 Lucas springing

 Jack lunging 

 Sam flying 

 Will reaching

Jacob flipping!

Isaac update

After another UTI and virus the little man had to go back to the hospital for 2 nights. He seems to be on the mend now and cute as ever. Walking and running everywhere, climbing and pulling everything off tables and causing constant mahem, whilst barely sleeping! We all think he's awesome!